What We Do


Supporting sustainable ranches.

California rangelands are the backbone of our state’s ecosystem.  Providing over 38 million acres of naturally managed open space for thousands of species both endangered and non-endangered.  These species and ecosystems are thriving - not despite centuries of grazing - but are thriving because they are grazed.  Preserving these opens spaces is the legacy and future of every ranching family in California.   

The California Cattlemen’s Foundation supports ranchers through advocacy, education and research centered on improving and sustaining California’s diverse rangelands – the foundation of every ranch.  

These efforts will preserve the proud heritage established by California’s cattlemen and cattlewomen and will ensure that future generations are prepared to face the challenges ahead.

By 2030, expand cattle grazing to 40 million acres in California. 

“Thanks to the work of so many, California beef producers have turned the corner in the battle to defend our way of life.We’ve established the Cattlemen’s Foundation to educate policy makers by bringing them together with leading academics and the ranching community.Together we’ve accomplished a tremendous amount but there is so much more to do. Please join us.”

— Mark Lacey, Past California Cattlemen’s Association President and Foundation Board Member