Podcast Host Bids Farewell

Stories from California Cattle Country was born from an impromptu meeting between CCA Executive Vice President Billy Gatlin and I in an outdoor dining area during the COVID-19 pandemic. I had recently helped a friend open a restaurant and once established, started to feel that I was spinning my wheels. If you were to see my resume you might be puzzled. The one throughline is that I have always worked in communications. I’ve known Billy for a long time, and he asked, “You think you could do a podcast?” I remember thinking, “How hard could it be?” Truth is, it is harder than I thought.

This podcast has afforded me the opportunity to see many parts of this state and meet many wonderful people. Over 67 episodes we’ve garnered over 25,000 downloads extolling the people and practices of California cattle country.

If you’re a regular listener, you’ve likely heard me harp on being a film school graduate. A few weeks ago, I was offered a position programming and managing the historic Crest Theatre in downtown Sacramento. Since graduating college, it has always been a dream of mine to operate an independent cinema. It was an opportunity I couldn’t turn down. I wish to extend thanks to Cattlemen’s membership and staff. I have countless memories of my travels, some recorded and some not.

I wish to thank you all for your hospitality and time.

-Ryan Donahue, Host of Stories from California Cattle Country


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